Monday, January 12, 2009

Okay, maybe a bit redundant, especially since I just opened this blog today. Barack Obama has his choice for the presidential dog narrowed to 2-a labradoodle and a portugese water hound. I asked my friend Kari to clarify a portugese water hound. I won't state exactly how she worded it, but let's just say a portugese water hound is even more effeminate than a labradoodle. Kari's argument is this-we're the strongest, most powerful nation in the world, shouldn't our president have a really bad ass dog? I understand his daughter has a dog allergy-so get her a fish. I think Kari's right though, our president should have a really huge, growling Doberman. I'm a fan of Dobermans-or would it be DobermEn? hee hee. A pit bull maybe with a great big spiked collar tethered to one of the columns at 1600 Pennsylvania might send just the right message. Even if our nation is becoming more and more "all bark and no bite", can't we at least make sure there's a bark?

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