Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Great Adventures of Tracy, the Hyperventilator

My friend Tracy babysat two of my children for six years. She kept my son since he was six weeks old. I actually met her while pregnant with him, and my daughter was two. She had at first told me she didn't keep newborns. As our friendship progressed, she called me at work one day to tell me, "Stop looking for someone to watch that baby, I'm going to keep him". No, "hey Dari it's Tracy" just cut the crap and get right to it. That's my Tracy.

Well, my son was born and Tracy and her husband Ed come to the hospital. Ed probably would have paid a small fortune to be anywhere but there. But, you don't argue with Tracy and Ed had been trained well.

I believe Byron was about 3 weeks old the first time Tracy watched him. As I dropped him off Tracy asked, "Do I need to buy bottled water to make his formula?" I tried not to smirk too badly when I said, "um-do you have a sink?" She said, "well, yeah". I prodded her further by adding, "well how about you run some warm water out of that son of a bitch and make that baby a bottle?" Tracy has probably the best laugh I've ever heard come out of an adult. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and said, "I'm so glad you're not THAT mom". And no, I most certainly am not THAT mom.

Fast forward about 2 years-frantic call from Ed (well, as frantic as Ed gets anyway). "Dari, it's Ed. Byron was playing outside and fell out of the swing and bumped his head pretty hard. He's got a knot, but he didn't cry until I dug the dirt out of his nose". So I asked, "well, is he okay?". Ed replied, "Hell, he's fine. But I think Tracy may need an MRI".

Just keep breathing in and out Tracy, and you'll be fine. Love ya!

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