Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The many faces on an 8 year old girl

Oy vey, this child. I'm not so naive as to think my daughters won't be moody and overly emotional once their hormones completely ravage their once sweet and caring little souls. BUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! This child will be the death of me. Everything either makes her cry or makes her angry.
She has gotten into a rut of wanting to wear the same shirt with the same jeans 3 days a week. So, my husband and I made a game of seeing if she can not wear the same outfit twice in one week. This should not be a problem when you consider she has more clothes in her closet than a sidewalk sale at Old Navy. One would think.
Thursday evening, she picks out her outfit not only for Friday, but for Monday as well. Please press pause on the celebrations.
Well, come Friday morning, she suddenly remembers it's spirit day and she wants to wear her school t-shirt with the mascot. And it TOTALLY doesn't go with pants she's already picked out. Keep in mind that spirit day is by no means a requirement for 3rd grade. But judging by the boo-hoos and lamenting her general misfortune in life, we could be lead to believe she's just been diagnosed with some horribly disfiguring disease. So, out come the faded jeans (bypassing the THREE brand new pair) and her school logo shirt. She added a long sleeve shirt underneath and a different necklace, so I suppose all was not lost.
Monday morning rolls around. The outfit reserved for this day has been lying in her chair since Thursday night. Suddenly it occurs to her that the long sleeves on this outfit (we live in the Texas panhandle and it's an average of 30 degrees this time of year with the winds blowing straight out of the north at roughly 45 mph) will be as stifling as trying to squeeze a St Bernard in through the cat door. So, another 30 minutes spent lamenting her terrible misfortune of being cursed with this family. Maybe I didn't breast feed her long enough?

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