Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'll be 34 on Friday, March 6th. As I reflect back on my life, I wonder if I've learned anything. I think maybe I have, but there's a lot more left to be known.

1. No matter how good of a parent you think you are, your kids will always prove you wrong.

2. I'm not always right.

3. I'm not a victim of anything except my own poor choices. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can take advantage of you without your permission". I no longer grant that permission.

4. Louder isn't always better.

5. Less is more, more or less.

6. Washable markers WILL leave a stain.

7. God knows exactly what He's doing whether I like it or not.

8. My parents don't know everything, but they do have a 20 year head start.

9. I don't know who said this, but I like it: "I don't know why it's called common sense when it's not common at all".

10. I am much more critical of myself than other people are.

11. There is something to be learned from everyone I encounter. Regardless of how big of an asshole they may be.

12. When in doubt, read the instructions.

13. A sure cure for my toddler's constipation was to let her wear her 'big girl' panties to church.

14. Checks travel at twice the speed of deposits.

15. No matter how good they tell me I am at work, everyone's expendable.

16. Listening is more impressive than talking. And less incriminating.

17. There are some situations in life where sarcasm isn't the best.

18. I don't like to cook. And it's taken me this long to admit it. I actually hate it.

19. I can't control what anyone else does, just how I react to it. And I usually don't react appropriately.

20. I try to never walk away from a situation wishing I'd said something.

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