Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Stigmata

So, we've made it back from the annual ski trip alive yet another year. We did things a little differently this year by riding snowmobiles the first day and skiing the next. This was Daci's first year to go, so she rode behind me on the trail up to the meadow. When we got to the meadow, she drove my snowmobile and I rode my mother in law's. Red River didn't get much snow this year so what snow they do have is packed down really hard. Daci and I are flying through the middle of the meadow. Because neither one of us weigh a whole lot, our butts would fly off the snowmobile seat whenever we hit the bumps in the middle of the meadow. Slow us down??? Nah, we just went faster. And faster. And faster. I'm following Daci through the meadow when she hits the bumps-her butt flies up-I laugh-she lets go of the handlebars and faceplants into the concrete, er snow. I stop laughing. I careen up beside her and help her up off the ground. Her face is red and she's crying laughing crying laughing slobbering and laughing. I say, "honey, get on mine and let's go see the guide" to which she says, "hey, where are we going?". "Uh, let's go up here and see the tour guide", hell, I thought she landed on the side of her head and had snow compacted into her ear canals. Mid slobber she says, "Why?". Um, because at this point she's bleeding. There's blood running out of her mouth and her eye. Yeah, her EYE!!!! Like, instead of tears, she's crying blood. I've seen my kids eat bugs and poop Legos, but I've never seen one cry BLOOD. I said as calmly as I could muster, "because you're bleeding honey and we need to get it checked out" and her response? "Oh shit Mom-let's go".
Now, in case you're wondering I do not allow my children to swear (read the Bombing on Fannin), so her little expletive lead me to believe that perhaps she'd hit the snow pack pretty hard. Well, after all is said and done, she remembers falling off the snowmobile and she remembers me making her get back on it later and riding some more....she has no memory of the stigmata.