Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, uhhhhh, I think I'm gonna quit. I went to the website becomeanex.org and it truthfully makes a lot of sense. I'm not sure how successful I'm going to be because frankly, I'm not sure how seriously I want to quit. Well, I know I want to quit, but I'm not sure why. Does it really matter that I don't know why I want to quit or is it only important that I want to quit in the first place?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Daci in a Million Words or Less

Daci came into the world at 6 lb 3 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. It took her four months to learn that nighttime was for sleeping, but she seems to have the hang of that now.
I had prayed for a healthy and intelligent baby, and I got both. Daci talked early and she talked a lot. Nearly every sentence started with "uh, Mom-how come....?" She never walked, but went straight from crawling to skipping. “In a minute” never worked with Daci, as 45 seconds later she was quick to remind me my time was up. Anything that perked her interest was pursued with a tenacity matched only by that of the fiercest guard dog. Whether it was Barbie (for which her entire room was covered in pink), The Little Mermaid, Britney Spears (She even had a Britney birthday cake and nearly refused to eat it), or more recently a slew of bands I’ve never even heard of, it’s all or nothing with her and I like that.

A few random facts about Daci that you might enjoy:

-When Daci was four, I asked her to check on her little sister (who was maybe a month old at the time) in her swing. Daci came back and said, “Mom, she’s fine. She’s just swinging bath and fork.”

-Daci can pick a beautiful dandelion bouquet.

-Daci likes turtles.

-Daci does a hilarious impression of an emu.

-Daci’s eyes have changed colors three times. They were blue when she was born. Then, they turned green. And now, they’re brown.

-Daci wanted to name her little sister Simba after The Lion King. She finally grew to like calling her Corbyn.

-Daci thought “everything” would fall off her little brother when his belly button cord did. I mean “everything”…..

-When Daci was very young, she couldn’t make the “f” sound. So, when asked where she was going her answer would be, “I’m pixin’ to go outside”. Later, when she learned to make the “f” sound, it was often in the wrong place. Like at the beginning of “truck”.

-Daci’s name means, “Little Southern One”.

-Daci dances when she thinks no one is watching. And she’s pretty good at it.

She’s grown from a precocious child into an outstanding young lady of whom I am very proud. With each passing year, she loses more of her child-like ways, and I gain a little bit of insight into the woman she’ll become. As her mother I try very hard not to mourn the passing of the child and rejoice in the coming of the adult, but sometimes I’m not very good at it.